To start the day with God's blessing ... so that God's word: "Behold, I am making all things new!" (Revelation 21.5) can be realized in us and through us every day. To start the day with the knowledge that the Lord wants to guide me today too, wants to be with me, that he will protect and help me today too; knowing that even today I set out to do His will, to sanctify this world with His blessing: the work I will do, the relationships I will enter.
This daily blessing is for those who do not want to live their lives "alone with their fragile humanity", and want to invite the Lord God into everything and give Him full power over everything that will be the content of the beginning day.
The daily blessing begins with God's word, which the Lord gives us through the Church for every day, as a manifestation of his love and mercy; by a word that should bear blessed fruit in us and through us; a word that should help us distinguish and decide for God's things, to do God's will.
Brother and sister - in Christ - it is an offer for those who want more.
With prayer and blessing,
Father Artur Cierlicki SAC (Pallottine)